workout routine
If you have a great workout routine but every time you do your abs, you just don't seem to get enough of a workout or any results, try the following ab workout routine...if you dare! I found this ab workout routine and tried it and have achieved some really pleasing results... actually that is a lie, I have achieved some fantastic results. I could not believe it! I was so pumped at the progress I have made as a result of this ab workout routine.
With any exercise, it is important to remember a few important tips:
1) Have consent from your family doctor to do the ab workout routine. You may not realize that you are not able to do certain sets, so consulting with your doctor will help you to avoid serious training injuries.
2) Make sure that you drink lots of water before, during and after any workout. We need to replenish lost liquids we lose from sweating. This is key!
3) Breathe during all exercises at all points during the routine. Most people do not realize that they are holding their breathe while doing the exercises. It is important to control your breathing! don't forget this!
4) If you have copied routines off of other people you might be doing certain exercises incorrectly. Please consult a certified trainer for the proper routine movements as well as to make sure that you have the correct form and technique.
Finally the Ab Workout Routine:
1) Lie flat on back with feet and knees in the air, knees at 90 degrees, thrust knees up in the air (tilting pelvis). Make sure that you breathe throughout the entire exercise.
Sets: 1, Reps: 12-22
2) Lie flat on back with knees bent to a 45 degree angle and feet flat on the floor. Tilting the pelvis so the lower back is touching the floor, place hands at the side of the head to avoid pulling up on the neck. Exhale while lifting the upper torso so that the shoulders come off the floor. Hold for a moment. While breathing out slowly bring your shoulders and head back down to the floor.
Sets: 1, Reps: 12-22
3) Lie flat on back, with legs straight on floor. Slowly lift one leg at a time straight up and back down.
Sets: 1, Reps: 12-22
4) Lying on your side (fetal position) keep your hand at your ear and the other hand on the floor for balance. Bring your elbow to your hip.
Sets: 1, Reps: 12-22
5) Lie on back with legs in the air, knees at 90 degrees. Hands are at the side of the head. Without pulling on the neck, lift up from shoulders up, using your abdominal muscles. Exhale on the flexion (exertion) part of the exercise, and inhale while returning to starting position.
Sets: 1, Reps: 12-22
That is it, 5 Quick Ab Workout Routines
workout routine