Although both men and women use ab workout routines, typically they are very different since the muscles between a man and a woman respond differently. While women would benefit from some of the same routines, it is important for women to determine the specific muscles wanting to tone and firm and then identify the best exercises to get the desired results.
The truth is that there are so many different ab workout routines for women that sometimes the process of choosing can be a little overwhelming. Therefore, we wanted to provide a few samples of the best routines that will work all the core abdominal muscles. With this information and developing a good workout schedule, women can have an amazing stomach and look great on the beach or at the swimming pool.
The thing to remember is that most men choose routines to develop a ripped six-pack whereas most women want some muscle definition but without sacrificing on smooth, sexy skin. Therefore, most experts agree that where ab workout routines for women are concerned, less is more. Additionally, to get quick results, it is essential that all exercises be done exactly as intended. Otherwise, the body would not respond appropriately, which would only hinder the effort to get a flat, tight and toned stomach.
The entire time women are performing workout routines, it is also important that a diet consisting of the right balance of protein and carbohydrates be consumed to fuel the body. That way, during the workout, each routine would be given 100% effort while the woman would not become fatigued. Finally, every one of the ab workout routines should be done slowly to force the muscles to work hard and the body should be stretched as low or high as possible depending on the exercise.
o Hanging Knee Lift - When doing your ab workout routines, it is important always to work the lower abdominal muscles first, putting an exercise such as this in the middle of the workout so the muscles are not tired. Again, each movement needs to be precise and slow, which would produce amazing results.
o Decline Weighted Sit-Ups - This is another exceptional choice for your workout routines. The key however is that with each sit-up, the women would twist the body, first to the right with one sit-up and then to the left on the following sit-up. In addition to firming and toning the abdominal muscles, it also works the external oblique muscles to create a smaller waist.
o Swiss Ball - Without doubt, using the Swiss ball during your ab workout is one of the most effective tools available. This ball uses resistance, which gives every muscle an incredible workout and using the Swiss ball is fun. All types of workouts can be done with the Swiss ball not just for the stomach, but other muscle groups of the body as well.
o Leg Curls - The last of the ab workout routines we wanted to talk about that women would benefit from are leg curls. For this, the lower abdominal muscles would be targeted due to the way the legs are lifted and curled. While this particular exercise is one incorporated into the routine only occasionally, when done right, results would be dramatic and fast.
workout routine